INK Cartridge Expiry date May 08, 2024 11:54 Updated What is true about the expiration date and the ink usability? Like all other digital printing ink, Coloreel Ink cartridges have a limited lifespan. A label with information on the Manufacturing date and the best-before date is attached to the cartridge packaging. In addition, Coloreel added an extra label describing the final Expiration date, giving you an additional 90 days of use after the best-before date. MANUFACTURED: is the date the ink cartridge is filled. BEST BEFORE, or nominal expiry date: is the date when the ink in the cartridge is one year old. The final Expiry date label indicates when the ink cartridge can no longer be used with the ITCU, currently, 90 days after the Best-before date. The status bar of the ITCU Operator panel shows information on the nominal expiry date for the installed ink cartridges. When the nominal Expiration Date has passed, the ITCU will notify you that the ink has expired but is still usable. This status lasts 90 days; from that date (the final expiry date), the ink cartridge needs to be replaced.