Stitch data transfer between Juki PM-1 sw and Tajima DG DST file April 29, 2024 13:52 Background. Some file transformation actions are needed to use industrial sewing machines with X/Y capabilities and the Coloreel ITCU when a custom-colored design is required. The Coloreel Studio coloring software, used to create custom coloring of embroidery patterns, requires a DST embroidery stitch file. Currently, the PM--1 SW used to create and edit stitch pattern files for Juki sewing machines does not support transfer to the DST embroidery format. This document describes one way of transferring PM-1 supported pattern files to DST stitch format and reversing a DST embroidery stitch file to a PM-1 supported file format. An embroidery design software is needed to create a DST file; the Tajima DG16 embroidery software has been used for this document. In investigating DG16 and PM-1 software, I found that both commonly used only one file format: the DXF vector format. Both software require several action steps to export and import DXF file data. The method to create a DST file from PDM or VTD files. Open the PDM file in Juki sw PM-1 File > DXF Output… to VD00.DXF Open New file in Tajima DG16 Import Artwork – VD00.DXF Convert Artwork to Manual Save stitch file – VD00xxx.DST Method to create VTD from DST. Open the DST file in Tajima DG16 Convert Stitches to Artwork Convert Artwork to Applique cut Export to DXF – File > Export > Applique Cut… VD00xxx.DXF Open PM-1 File Open VD00xxx.DXF – AMS Machine type – 221EN-3020 Machine model Select settings in the DXF input dialog and click OK Rename and save to VD00xxx.PMD Rename and save to VD00Ixxx.VDT – Accept auto-insert trim Printer friendly pdf here: TSD.60003.1 Stitch data conversion.pdf 100 KB Download