To create a Library Swatch file - Multipoint Gradient June 19, 2023 09:44 This article will show how to create a multipoint swatch to be used with ITCU Swatch printing. The example comes from a design with a short piece of gradients at the start of a small design, and in total, the gradient Coloreel thread will be used for approximately 490 stitches. The lettering of the design will be embroidered with a traditional embroidery thread. (This is called the Multi Thread method) First step is to use Coloreel Studio to create a Library file with the Gradient swatch to be used. Open the DST-file Set the first thread as Coloreel Thread and the other as Non-Coloreel Thread. Create the Multipoint Swatch giving you the desired gradients. Set the two first colors to be separate from the first gradient color to make it visible where the Gradient swatch starts. In this case, a white color is applied. Add white (#FFFFFF) to the two first colors in order to create a steep gradient from white to the next color. Third color should be the start color of the gradient (green #74940F) Add a new color by clicking "Add Point Under" and apply the same green color. In this example, the Easing mode is set to Linear and Spherical. Add another two colors and apply the light blue color of the gradient to both of them. (#4190C4) That color is set to EaseOut and Cartesian. Add the final color of the Gradient. (#003F6B) Scroll up to the top of the Editor to adjust the distribution of the colors. Drag the five color delimiters to obtain the desired colors for the design. Next, click the Download swatch icon to save the swatch in a Library (CSL) file. The saved Library (CSL) file is ready for import to the Swatch printing of the ITCU, and it is also possible to open in the Library tab of Coloreel Studio.