Tajima DG software - Create a new Coloreel Noise Striped Swatch April 04, 2023 13:18 Updated To create a striped (Noise) swatch: Open a Coloreel Library Tab (Click Menu Bar - Manage - Coloreel Libraries) On the Coloreel toolbar, click the Add button +. Select Gradient or Striped Swatch from the drop-down menu that appears. The Swatches dialog opens. On the Swatches dialog, select the Noise radio button. A table opens to the right side of the Swatches dialog. This table will display the current colors in the swatch and the minimum and maximum width of each color (in pixels). In the context of Coloreel swatches, a 'pixel' is a unit of length equal to 1,32 mm, By default, the swatch will consist of two colors. To add a third color (or more), click the "Add row" button on the right side of the dialog. A new row will be added to the table for the new color. Note that a new set of color bands appear in the color bar. To edit a color for any row, do the following: Click the small down arrow on the right of the color field. You see the Swatch Picker dialog. Select the color library you want to select the color from. The list of available colors in the table will change accordingly. Click a color from the library to select it. The Swatch Picker dialog will close, and the Save Swatch dialog will appear. You can save the new swatch by giving it a name or click Cancel to continue editing. The new color will be applied to the selected row. Repeat to add and edit colors if desired. Adjusting lengths: You can change the default maximum and minimum widths that have been assigned to each color in the swatch by: At the desired color row, click in the "Min. width" or "Max. width" field to select it. Type the new value into the field, and press Enter to apply it. In the color bar, note that the widths of the selected color change accordingly. Repeat the steps above for each color width value you want to change. (Optional) Click the Flip button to reverse the order of the colors. When you finish adjusting the swatch, click OK to save it. Saving Coloreel Swatches. Once you have created a custom Coloreel Swatch, you can save it to a library for use with embroidery or text segments. The Swatch "Save as" dialog allows you to select the library to which you want to save the swatch and give it a name. Note: It is essential to give a unique name to every swatch. Press Ctrl+S or select File - Save to save the Coloreel Library file with the new swatch included.